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Esther Lacroix

Esther Lacroix , B.Sc.

Courtier immobilier résidentiel

Mobile: 514.349.2712

Phone: 450.434.4400

Buying or selling a home is a big decision - you need an experienced professional to guide you through the process. When you work with me, you can count on personal, attentive, patient service, excellent knowledge of the area, great negotiation skills and expert selling strategies.

Contact Me

I am here to help with all your real estate needs and questions. Let me know what's on your mind and start a conversation.

Home Valuation

For most people, their house is their single biggest investment. Find out how much your investment is worth with a no-obligation market valuation.

Find a Dream Home

If you are in the market for your "Dream Home" then I would love to help. Simply fill out my Buyer Registration card and I will have suitable new listings emailed to you as soon as they come on the market.

Find out what your home is worth

For most people, their house is their single biggest investment. Find out how much your investment is worth with a no-obligation market valuation.

Neighbourhood Watch

Be the first to know when properties in your neighbourhood hit the market. Keep in touch with your local listings.

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Let me know what's on your mind and let's start a conversation.

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Free Home Evaluation

For most people, their house is their single biggest investment. Find out how much your investment is worth with a no-obligation market valuation.

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Featured Testimonial

Pour l'achat de notre première maison, il était important pour nous d'être bien dirigé, d'avoir confiance en notre courtière et d'être respecté dans nos choix. Esther a rempli tous ses critères et plus encore. Elle nous a bien cerné et nous a si bien encadré tout au long de notre important processus. Nous sommes plus que choyés d'avoir fait affaire avec Esther. Nous vous la recommandons sans hésitation!
Noémie Lacelle et Maxime Riopel de Mirabel

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